Thursday, January 22, 2009

Oh the Joys of Shopping

And mostly that refers to the fact that just so I wouldn't be homesick, here in Nantes we also are spending our time shopping for classes. Right now im in seven classes granted that a normal load it 5 and an overachieving load it 6 I'm actually not too much over the limit for now.

I've been to 5/7 classes and so far none of them have been dreadful which is always a good thing, as of now what im taking for sure is

Advanced French Language and Grammar 3 (M,F 10-11 W 430 to 530) -why I was placed here is still a mystery, but so far it's not so bad, then again there have only been two classes.

Teaching Intership (1015-1145 W) as well as four hours a week in a local school, I requested grade school because any bigger and they'd be taller, haha-but no hopefully it works out.

Up in the air but probably taking:

Developmental Psych- (T 11-1) This course meets at the University and I had a little bit of trouble trying to get everything the prof said while drowning out the chatter of the students, but not so bad,

Phonetics -1 hour theory, 1 hour conversation, 2 hours lab- it seems like it will be a good class perhaps ill learn to talk correctly, the only problem is that the labs meet at such inconvenient times, Wed and Thurs 630-730m which means ill miss dinner with the fam, lame.

Not Sure

Translation- 230-430 M, the prof is funny but i dont know how entertained i can be by translating texts from english to french and vice versa...

Socio of Education- starts this afternoon

Art History- something i know nothing about, but hey im in france whynot? But yeh the prof has been sick, so no idea.

So that was bornig huh?

those of you back at brown i miss you! I hope that inaguaration was a great party, i of course watched it as it was being dubbed and it was super lame because i couldnt concentrate on the french or Obama, but oh well-and Estrella- I'm jealous.

What I did do that night was have a Club de convo with french students-every tuesday night we talk 45 mins in french for us and 45 mins in english for the frenchies sake, to celebrate the first one of the semester we went to a creperie..yum

so I dont have class til 4 today because ;y first class is canceled because the prof is sick

oh and weekend trip to mt st michelle party

sorry this was ranty.

1 comment:

  1. it was crazy. INSANITY. More people than I've ever seen in my life. And we walked in the middle of the freeway. And there was cold. And there was hopey-changey. So much hopey-changey.
