Saturday, January 17, 2009

My Nantaise life

Hey everyone!

So it's 5am and I woke up like 20 mins ago, with nothing to do and no knowledge of plans for my first sat night, I fell asleep at 11, so here i am awake at 5, i should go back to bed soonish since I'm going to church with the fam in 5 hours. Anyways, its storming terribly but it rains nearly everyday, usually at night sometimes a drizzle during the day, but it's always wet.
This last week has been one of information overload and fatigue-orientation. We took a placement test on our offsite orientation and i placed into the middle level (quoi the heck) so we had conversation, french language and grammaire everday for an hour and then one day we toured the university, one day we got to know nantes better, academic advising etc-will spare you all the details.

But yeh, Friday was the insanity of picking courses, just so I wouldnùt be terribly homesick they also have shopping period here till the beginning of feb haha, the plan now is Level 3 gramaire (again I placed in and Im going to fail that class) Art history (figure france is good place), and a Teaching Internship (for credit) at the center with 4 hours teaching english a week to grade schoolers, should be interesting.
As for the other classes I think Ill take a Sociology of Education class and a developmental psych class at the university and maybe phonetics or translation, we shall see. The Uni is like 20 mins from the center so a lot of time in transport; but oh well.

As for the weekend I spent friday night watching a very popular 2008 french movie with my host sibs and yesterday i walked to the center which took about 30 mins, i stopped in a park!, and then we went shopping and ate lunch ata creperie it was nice and delicious. On the way back I took the bus halfway and then stopped at a park and walked around, its a 12 acre park near my house with a pond and all and i bet its beautiful in the summer:spring.

Oh also- random, I got my phone here, a local one, and the guy at the phone store gave me 2x1 he told me it cost the same for one as for 2 so i have 2 bright pink (not of my choosing) phones with 2 sim cards; dont ask me why.

Enough for now im going back to bed, bisous. Pictures to come!


  1. pictures pictures I WANT PICTURES! I miss you so much!! im going to pretend that you are not so far away and are actually going to be at Brown with me all semester.

  2. i dont know why that said nochlin pissarro. but its rickie.

  3. a lot of time in transportation? 20 minutes away? I spend like 4 hours a day on transportation, so kindly stfu. oh yeah I love you and miss you and hate that I can't just call you on the phone when I'm walking from point A to point B. le triste.

  4. hey fool i mean like 30 mins to the center then 20 mins to the uni then 20 mins back to the center and 30 mins back home, i know your life is worese, its just dead time that im figuring out how to spend

    miss your facee
