Thursday, January 8, 2009


hey guys

Im finally in france! Took a few planes and a train and a lot of waiting in freezing CDG airport but I made it! So far everything has been going well, but before i ramble on I hope thqt you excuse my typos just know that on the french keyboard
q=a ;=m and :=. those are my three lqrgest errors so i hope youll understand.

So I arrived at the center and we all met the people in charge who gave us some info and then we were free to go use the internet which apparently everyone wanted to do haha:

Our families cale to pick us up and it was like being picked for tea,s and I was just barely not last picked: My host brother (Alexys 14) and his mom came to get me. We got home and Alexys showed me around the house and I also met Paul (9). I unpacked in my room which had roses on the dresser (aww!!) and eventually met the girls Clotilde (15) and Maylis (13). I still havent met the dad bececquse hes on a business trip in the south.
Dinner was delicious especially because i was starved and airplane food on AA was AWFUL. We had carrot soup, quiche, salad, cheeses and a cake type thing, flakey exterior and chocolate interior which had a little figure inside and whoever got it became the king who then choose his queen= its a tradition for three kings day. At dins the mom asked me lots of questions while trying to keep the 4 kids quiet hehe they all seem very nice. I got them I love NY tshirts and reeses; both of which they seemed to enjoy:

Well now its thursday morning and i should go eat the food the mom left me and get ready for my weekend trip to Tours that i leave for in 2 hours. Until Monday I hope everyone has a good rest of break ( or beginning of school as the case may be).



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