Saturday, February 14, 2009

I know it's cliche, but time is flying!

Well so to update on the last week I'm going to have to be as brief as I can, which isn't very but I'm leaving for London in a few hours and need to catch abus to the airport.

But anyways things are going really well around here, classes at the University are still as per usual, not ocurring.

Last weekend te fam was gone because the kids have 2 weeks of vacay and I had a little dinner and greys watching at my house- note the picture I look like a ghost- But anyways it was really fun!

Monday because a common university class among my friends was cancelled we went over to a friends house and watched New York minute dubbed with French subtitiles, a bad movie but the company and the stormy weather were perfect.
That night my family was still gone with the exception of my host sister and her friends with whom I watched blood diamond, - it was funny though because her friend wasn't sure if it was an american or a french film- and I was like, well Leo Dicaprio- same with Ice Age, she thought it was french-haha.

Tuesday I went to my class to which I would've been late if it had actually happened but we can always count on the strike to cancel classes, I'm kind of tired of going to the university and finding my class canceled and lugging back my laptop-but oh well.
It was interesting to see how the students rally behind the cause and their uni looks like shit because there is spray paint everywhere--oh to pay 49k a year for school- it has its perks! (note that the pic is of the floor as a result of spray paint that bled through)

Thursday night I went to kareoke night with some kids in the program- the girls all sang, but of course ' girls just wanna have fun' it was, indeed fun.

The weather has also been getting nicer which is quite pleasant because the constant rain was starting to get depressing.
Yesterday I went bowling with some girls as a pre valentines day pre vacation hurrah, and i bowled a shitty game, obviously, BUT i got a strike on the last frame and got to go again! First time ever-it was pretty awesome. Plus bowling is only 2.50 for students so it was generally a good time. PLUS THE LANES WERE AMF and it was great! But only the other east coaster understood. And there were these adorable french girls who kept trying to formulate sentences in english to ask us, at the end, one who was about 7, blew me a kiss and said 'bye' it was adorable.

Yesterday I also walked home for the first time, because I missed the bus and kept telling myself Id just wait at the next bus stop, but it was nice, and then I missed the bus because I was on the wrong side of the street- not too sketchy to walk home at 8pm tho haha.
And I watched Les Choristes a very french film with the fam last night which was entertaining.

Today my host fam left, the parents for Canada the girls to go skiing in the aples? with their pbrother who will meet them there, the little one is in paris with the grandrents i think.

It's always nice to have the house to myself because well there are many reasons- but anyways I'm all packed my backpack is bigger than me, but I'm excited!

London and Dublin until the 22nd! And for the first time I want to take the weather with me.


  1. How is it that there are AMF lanes in France?

  2. GO AMF- AND you got a strike? hahah thats awesome.

    i like the pic of you in the HUMONGOUS apron and cooking.

    AHHH LONDON AND DUBLIN. DUBLIN IS AWESOME- go to...well you prob won't see this until after, temple bar for food. find a pub, go see the post office and james joyce. and the river is lovely. take a train to Bray, or the gaol is nice i've heard. guinness was just ok.
