Wednesday, May 13, 2009

What 5 days?

So It appears that Ive been quite bad at keeping this thing updated, for that I blame my lack of interenet and computer usage; which hey, might even be a good thing.

To summarize Spring break as succinctly as humanly possible

Monday April 6-left on a night train to Geneva, got in Tuesday morning; Spent Tuesday in Laussane with Lanshiow, pedal boating and feeding the ducks and playing on playgrounds like the big kids that we are.
Wednesday I toured Geneva, saw the sights and ate my weight in chocolate, obvioulsy quite necessary. Thursday we left early for Aix en Provence, but I made sure to buy 7 bars of chocolate before leaving- however I left them all to family and friends along the way haha.
We spent a few days in Aix, apparently, its a cute city, quite small and obsessed with cezanne. While there we made sure to enjoy a lot of ice cream and all other things happy and delicious. The second day there we met up with Michelle and then spent the day hanging out in a beautiful park. Chill but enjoyable.
Saturday we left for Marseille, it was quite yucky weatherwise but it is quite a beautiful city with the ports and all that jazz, we ate indian food along the dock and then meandered around the city trying to avoid the rain.
Just our luck, the south which is reputed for good weather and we were stuck with rain throughout post of it.
We then headed to Arles, but of course got lost for over an hour trying to find the place where we were staying and it was raining and our shoes were totally drenched and we were generally unhappy; mais c'est la vie. We finally got in; washed up and went to the feria. The next day; Easter, held DISGUSTING weather for which neither of us was suitably dressed, we went to easter mass and had paella under a tent, because the feria was bull fight themed and all and thus paella, which obvi doesnt compare to spanish one; but hey.
Monday morning we headed out early, I spent half an hour in Nimes and then had a train ride to Port Bou, just on the Spain/France Border where i literally was on the beach for about 15 mins and then had a long long commuter rail to BArecelona, at least the view was nice.
I arrived in Barcelona and was picked up by bon amie ezequiel; who I met in Spain four years ago and voila here we are again. Anyways we hung out for a bit and then I went to my uncles house for dindins.
Next day was gorgeous and we walked around all of central Barcelona, las ramblas etc, the market was amazing as were the fruit juices YUM! We had tapas for lunch; walked around some more and then searched around for a very long time to find movies in their original form, aka not dubbed, we finally found the duchess, watched it and we hung out and finally said our goodbyes.
I then headed to my uncles again and stayed there until the next morning when my uncle took me to the airport. I did however forget just how much my spanish relatives enjoy forcefeeding. Jeebus; just between dinner at my uncles and breakfast the next day I really mustve gained a good chunk, plus there is always the 'bring a sandwhich for the road' mentaility haha.
Headed to Galicia to see the fam, it was certainly a rush rush fest. I saw a few good friends from camp in Vigo in a very short amount of time but it was nice because it had been over a year for two of them and 3 years since id seen the other. From there family friends took me to my grandmas village, where I spent the next 24 hours freaking out everyone in town because no one had any idea I was coming, and just generally hanging out with the grandma.
Thursday night my moms friend came to visit and took me back to Orense where I saw another friend and the next morning I was on a bus to Coruna to see some more friends. The weather was certainly not agreeable; I was wet and cold most of the time, but I was with friends in places Id been before so it was no biggie.
Met up with my friends and went to a delicious Italian place where we stuffed our faces!
The next day the weather actually held up and we cisited some castle and random stuff just hanging out in the playground like small children that we are and eating ice cream and more italian because thats what I do- eat spanish food in france and italian food in Spain- go me.
Anyways after 2 wonderful days hanging out with friends in Coruna I headed back to Nantes. Which meant leaving on a Train at 8am to take a bus to the airport to take a plane to madrid and a plane to marseille and a plane to nantes a tram and a bus home. Only took a good 13 hours with far too many delays but eventually I made it home!

So I tried my best to keep that short but considering it was 14 days and a lot of movement...

anyways now I cant believe I have just 4 days left in Nantes and 6 left in France!!
I have one more exam and then I leave Saturday to see Paris because Im pretty sure that if I return to the US without seeing Paris... well yeh.

For now Im eating my weight in all of the pastries and chocolates that I tried my very best to hold back on throughout my 4 months here, I figure its now or never, and I didnt buy a bus pass in April or May so I literally have been walking everywhere. On average at least an hour a day; sometimes up to 3 hours- so at least I still sort of fit into my clothes.

Otherwise Nantes has been experiencing some crazy thunderstormy weather which certainly caught me by surprsie as I walked home the other day getting home completely drenched only to find out that my host fams drier was broken. Haha.

Well stop rambling now and will hopefully find you some pictures.

See you all soon! And if you want something from france its now or Never!!!!!!